#ЗдраветоИмаЗначение #HealthcareMatters

#ЗдраветоИмаЗначение: Лидери в здравеопазването дискутират бъдещето на грижите за пациентите

"#ЗдраветоИмаЗначение: Лидери в здравеопазването дискутират бъдещето на грижите за пациентите." е видео и аудио поредица, която представя задълбочени дискусии с лидери от сферата на здравеопазването, като се фокусира върху актуални въпроси като дигитална трансформация в сектора, здравни системи и политики, навлизащи технологии и глобални здравни тенденции.

Основната ни цел с тази поредица е да образоваме, вдъхновяваме и насърчаваме зрителите, като им помогнем да разберат здравния сектор и значението на иновациите за преодоляване на неговите предизвикателства.

Поредицата е на английски език, във всяко видео има субтитри на български език.

Embracing Innovation: Shaping the Future of Healthcare in Eastern Europe and Beyond

In this episode titled "Embracing Innovation: Shaping the Future of Healthcare in Eastern Europe and Beyond", Hesham Sabry, General Manager Roche Bulgaria engages in a highly enlightening dialogue with Daren Wilson, General Manager Roche Slovakia, discussing the state of healthcare innovation in Eastern Europe and its implications for the wider world.

Advancing Cancer Care: Collaborative Solutions for Bulgarian Patients”

In this episode of #HealthcareMatters, we bring together Assoc. Professor Arabadjiev, a prominent oncologist and member of the EU Mission of Cancer initiative, and our initiative’s host Hesham Sabry, General Manager Roche Bulgaria. The discussion revolves around the challenges and opportunities in cancer care, particularly in Bulgaria. The guests share their insights on various topics, including the balance between clinical work, research, and professional engagements, transforming cancer care pathways, the European Cancer Beating Plan, collaboration with Europe to enhance cancer care in Bulgaria, and advice for cancer patients and their families.

Navigating the Landscape of the Pharmaceutical Sector

This time, we’re turning the spotlight onto the pharmaceutical sector in Bulgaria and its global connections. Join our host as they engage in a compelling conversation with Mr. Deyan Denev, the Executive Director of ARPharM, and Mr. Hesham Sabry, GM of Roche Bulgaria. From critical industry trends to recent legislative changes, this episode contains a comprehensive discussion. As the Executive Director of ARPharM, Deyan Denev has a wealth of knowledge and insights to share, making this episode a must-watch for anyone keen on understanding the pharmaceutical landscape in Bulgaria and its global ties.

Sight Matters: Unpacking Vision Health Challenges & Solutions

This episode comes to you just in time for World Sight Day (October 12th), shining a light on the critical and expansive field of Vision Health. With startling projections suggesting that by 2050, half of the world’s population could be navigating life with vision impairment, this topic demands our attention and action. We're privileged to host Prof. Hristina Grupcheva, a distinguished expert in ophthalmology. Together, we navigate through the hurdles, dive deep into the data, and explore practical solutions to combat vision impairment and blindness that is currently a reality for approximately 2 billion people worldwide. Bearing a significant economic cost on nations, this topic stands relevant and imperative to address.

Още истории

Към всички истории

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